In today’s busy world it is all too easy to fall victim to theft of private information. Electronic and paper records are at risk, especially if security features are not in place. Here are some ways you can keep your private information secure and maintain your reputation as a business people want to frequent.
On-Site Shredding Or Purging
Sometimes you may want to get rid of a large number of documents all at once. On-site shredding means we come to you and dispose of all your unwanted files right at your place of business. This means there is no risk of information loss during transport, and you can take advantage of our industrial shredders that are capable of reducing documents to a very fine particle size. Standard office shredders cannot offer this level of security.
Electronic Media Destruction
At some point, most businesses have some form of electronic media that needs to be disposed of. CDs, magnetic tapes, hard drives, and more are all security risks. Just deleting information from a hard drive on your computer is not enough. A smart identity thief can get a lot of information from even a small hard drive.
Train Employees On How To Handle Docs and Electronic Media
Employees need to know how to dispose of documents and electronic media. Shred With Us can provide containers that allow documents and media to be placed in them securely. Only our employees have access to whatever you put in these boxes. This gives employees an easy no hassle way to dispose of private records.
Require A Confidentiality Agreement
Hiring an employee means you are placing your trust in them. It is very common in the modern workplace for employers to require employees to sign a document that details your policy on client and company information. By signing this contract, the employee agrees that if they release any information to others or talk about company information, they will have to face consequences such as termination of employment or even legal action.
Good Computer Security
Companies that take privacy seriously know that they should have a good network security system to protect records. Password protected and encrypted workstation data bases can help ensure information is readily available to those that need it and hard to access for those that wish to use it for ill purposes.
For on site shredding services or electronic media destruction in Georgia, South Carolina, or North Carolina, give us a call at 888-297-4733.