If you have a lot of documents to shred, then you may be considering the positives and negatives of hiring a professional shredding service to take care of this for you. Here are some things to consider when making the choice.
Document Shredding Is Time Consuming
Shredding can take a lot of time if you have even a small wall of files. Paying an employee to do this might very well cost you more money than having a professional service take care of it for you. Labor can then be spent expanding your business and making money. It is best to talk to a shredding service to see if you have a large enough volume to make hiring a shredding service worthwhile.
Professional Grade Shredders Are More Efficient
The typical small office shredder will only shred so fast. Forcing too much paper or trying to shred a lot of files will wear out a small shredder. Many consumer grade shredders only shred so much while a professional grade shredder ensures that documents are shredded more finely for maximum record security.
Mobile Shredding Solutions
If you have files stored at multiple locations that all need to be shredded and archived, then a mobile shredding service can be very helpful. Shred With Us can be at your location in no time at all and offer you a complete service that can include digital archiving. If you are paying to keep records stored, a mobile shredder and document destruction service can get you organized and save money.
Easy Compliance
Some businesses have compliance protocols that require proof that documents have been properly disposed of. Shred With Us is familiar with many of these protocols and will provide proof of document destruction as soon as the job is complete.
Main Disadvantages
There are not many disadvantages to a document shredding service. The main disadvantage is the economy of scale. If you have a very small office, then you might not have too many records to dispose of. It is important to keep in mind that Shred With Us offers options for very small businesses as well. Our lock box option allows you to secure documents which we will then pick up, or you can drop them off at your convenience. Of course, shredding services are not instant so if you need something shredded immediately it may be good to have a small shredder for the occasional page or two and leave the major shredding to us.