Paper shredders come in all makes, models, shapes and sizes so it can be quite a daunting task to decide which shredder meets your needs based on how much you shred and your price range. What you may realize as you take on the responsibility of shredding your documents is the upkeep of the shredders can be quite expensive not mention the fact that you must be following multiple guidelines and regulations. Is it really worth the headache to try and shred your secure documents yourself? The professionals at Shred With Us don’t think so. There are a variety of reasons to outsource your shredding but we’ve come up with the top three.

1. The Best Security. Do you have your employees checked rigorously to ensure there are absolutely no flaws in their background? The problem with trusting your employees to shred is that things can get lax overtime and documents can be tossed in the trash instead of shredded. Shred With Us Can guarantee our employees are monitored and checked so your documents are shredded with top of the line security. We even allow you to monitor if so needed.
2. No Expensive Upkeep. Professional document shredders are expensive and they can cost a pretty penny to maintain and replace. If your shredder is acting up it is easy to avoid it and start incorrectly disposing of documents. If you have large amounts of documents to shred on a regular basis it may require multiple shredders to maintain. Put your money to better use by outsourcing to professionals.
3. Keeping Up With Regulations. You have other things to do with your time while on the job. Do you really want to spend all of your time keeping up with regulations for compliance and data disposal? At Shred With Us that’s our job and you can be sure we know every regulation like the back of our hand. Keep yourself stress free by letting the professionals at Shred With Us dispose of secure documents for your business.