Privacy seems almost impossible in the modern day. Everything is textedand recorded onto our phones and laptops. However, there are still reliable modes of privacy when it is necessary for our businesses, government, and/or personal lives. Here are a few ways that document storage can allow for privacy in our digital world.


Paper is more secure in a world of JPGs

One good way to make sure that no one steals your digital files is to not have one in the first place. If you just have your private information on paper, then you can put that one document in our vault and be able to access it anytime you need. Shred With Us utilizes Master-Vault, which is a government-level secure storage company that takes in any documents and holds them for proper storage. Your files can be accessed from their single location anytime without any worry of wear or tear.


Hold and Catalogue Digital Files

But what if you have many digital files that are essential buttoo much for your current hard-drive? Master-Vault also takes in your files and helps organize them to your specifications before storing them in their secure document storage database. They can be accessed anytime from an impenetrable database. This not only helps lighten the load on your computer and hard-drives, but it also relieves your brain from having to sort through all of those mismatched files in order to find which ones you need.


Physical to Digital Scan

But what about when you need your physical file but are unable to reach it? What if you get a work emergency while on vacation? That won’t be a problem, since Master-Vault’s ready and easy document imagingfeature can take any secure file and transfer it to you with ease. And better yet, once you are finished with it, our digital document storage database will be able to store that scanned file. Anything we produce for you, digital or physical, can be easily secured at your command.


The digital age has changed everything in terms of how information is stored and delivered. But there is no need to be afraid of any hackers or thieves utilizing your private information. Shred with Us and Master-Vault utilize the most cutting edge techniques in information security, allowing you to sleep well at night knowing that your data is safe and sound.