If you are part of an organization that deals with private and secure information, you probably already know that you need to properly dispose of those documents by shredding or other methods of document destruction. This is especially pertinent if you are part of a law firm, …Read more
On-Site Versus Off-Site Shredding Services
If you have begun to explore shredding in Atlanta and shredding services in Charlotte, NC you will probably have come across the terms “on-site shredding” and “off-site shredding.” But do you know the difference? Well, Shred With Us, the best document destruction in Georgia with the best …Read more
Advantages to Mobile Shredding Services
If you have been seeking shredding services in Columbia, SC, or shredding services in Charlotte, NC you may have come across the term “mobile shredding.” But what exactly does “mobile shredding” mean? Well, mobile shredding, also known as on-site shredding, entails utilizing shredding professionals to remove any …Read more
Follow FACTA Regulations With Proper Shredding Practices
If you are in the retail sector, you may have heard of what is known as the FACTA. But what exactly is FACTA? Well, The Fair and Accurate Credit Transactions Act is a federal law, that was added to the Fair Credit Reporting Act. So how does …Read more
Identity Theft Is A Real Possibility
Identity theft may seem like a faraway possibility, but the truth of the matter is it’s a chronic problem, and its getting worse. In 2018, Javelin published an Identity Fraud Report which stated that identity fraud led to criminals obtaining 16.8 billion dollars in 2017. Furthermore, it …Read more
The Importance of Shredding Your Hard Drives
When people think of services that a shredding company may offer, they inevitably think about paper. But there are some other objects that carry data that you may need to destroy. Namely, a hard drive. But how do you go about destroying a hard drive? Can you …Read more
Does Your Office Need Document Destruction?
Offices are notoriously busy and everyone is thinking about a million different things. Depending on what industry your company is involved in, you may be thinking about a myriad of things on a daily basis, including client relations, accounting, sales, analytics, technology and much more. But how …Read more
How Document Management Varies in Each Industry
Document management is important in a variety of industries, but what it provides and protects certainly differs from industry to industry. Indisputably, the most prevalent industries germane to document management include: medical, legal, academic and more. That is because these industries all deal with sensitive records and …Read more
Why You Need to Set Up a Document Management Plan
It may not be on the forefront of your mind, but document management, and specifically, establishing a document management plan, is extremely important and key to running a successful company these days. That is because paper is one of the largest mass-produced products in the world, let …Read more
3 Reasons to Use Document Storage Before Shredding
Privacy and keeping secure documents safe are top priority for any business or organization that keeps records containing names, address, account numbers and other personal information. Some laws and regulations require storing documents for extended amounts of time before destroying and shredding. So why choose a document …Read more