5 Ways Qualified Information Security Specialists Safeguard Your Data

Qualified document/data destruction specialists work diligently to ensure your information is secure at all steps of the process. Built-in safeguards enable customers to follow the law and to dispose of documents, records, and electronic media effectively. Here’s how they ensure your data is handled in a professional …Read more

5 Signs You Should Outsource Your Shredding

Wrestling with the decision of whether to outsource your document disposal/destruction needs or take care of it in-house? Here are some signs that it’s time to call information security specialists in for help. Your staff spends more time shredding than building the business. Shredding takes time – …Read more

HIPPA Protects Patient Privacy: How You Help

The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act – HIPPA – is a law designed to safeguard patients’ privacy. All “individually identifiable health information” is protected, whether it is in paper or digital format. HIPPA strictly limits disclosure of health records and requires providers to inform patients when …Read more

Fear of Commitment? Check Out These Short-Term Data Disposal Solutions

Whether you want to put an information security service through the paces before you enter into a long-term engagement or you simply have sporadic data disposal needs, short-term solutions delivers a wide range of benefits. Shred With Us offers three convenient programs designed just for your needs. …Read more

Don’t Trust Your Data to Just Anyone: Key Credentials Your Service Needs to Have

It is impossible to understate the importance of safe, secure data disposal. Here’s why it matters: 59% of employees steal proprietary data when they leave a company. In 2016 alone, more than 12.6 million digital records were exposed, and the average cost per 1000 exposed records is …Read more

Shredding 101: Does Your School Have Safe Document Destruction Processes?

Where there is a school, there is paperwork. Educational institutions keep records on everything from student grades and medical conditions to staff backgrounds and financial information. Strict laws (FERPA) protect all student records; beyond that, there is confidential, and sensitive, information that cannot fall into the wrong …Read more