
  • Articles
    • The Dark Web: A New Security Threat
      The dark web and online crypto-currency is responsible for thousands upon thousands of cases of identity theft. Credit card information is incredibly cheap on the dark web and can go for as little as $15 a credit card. In case you aren’t familiar, the dark web is ...Read more
    • FACTA Compliance Tips
      FACTA is an amendment to the Fair Credit Reporting Act of 1970. This act was created to further the protection of American citizens and help prevent consumers from becoming victims of identity theft. When the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) issued a new rule in 2005 that required ...Read more
    • How To Choose The Right Document Shredding Company
      If you are part of an organization that deals with private and secure information, you probably already know that you need to properly dispose of those documents by shredding or other methods of document destruction. This is especially pertinent if you are part of a law firm, ...Read more
    • On-Site Versus Off-Site Shredding Services
      If you have begun to explore shredding in Atlanta and shredding services in Charlotte, NC you will probably have come across the terms “on-site shredding” and “off-site shredding.” But do you know the difference? Well, Shred With Us, the best document destruction in Georgia with the best ...Read more
    • Advantages to Mobile Shredding Services
      If you have been seeking shredding services in Columbia, SC, or shredding services in Charlotte, NC you may have come across the term “mobile shredding.” But what exactly does “mobile shredding” mean? Well, mobile shredding, also known as on-site shredding, entails utilizing shredding professionals to remove any ...Read more
    • Follow FACTA Regulations With Proper Shredding Practices
      If you are in the retail sector, you may have heard of what is known as the FACTA. But what exactly is FACTA? Well, The Fair and Accurate Credit Transactions Act is a federal law, that was added to the Fair Credit Reporting Act. So how does ...Read more
    • Identity Theft Is A Real Possibility
      Identity theft may seem like a faraway possibility, but the truth of the matter is it’s a chronic problem, and its getting worse. In 2018, Javelin published an Identity Fraud Report which stated that identity fraud led to criminals obtaining 16.8 billion dollars in 2017. Furthermore, it ...Read more
    • Does Your Office Need Document Destruction?
      Offices are notoriously busy and everyone is thinking about a million different things. Depending on what industry your company is involved in, you may be thinking about a myriad of things on a daily basis, including client relations, accounting, sales, analytics, technology and much more. But how ...Read more
    • How Document Management Varies in Each Industry
      Document management is important in a variety of industries, but what it provides and protects certainly differs from industry to industry. Indisputably, the most prevalent industries germane to document management include: medical, legal, academic and more. That is because these industries all deal with sensitive records and ...Read more
    • Why You Need to Set Up a Document Management Plan
      It may not be on the forefront of your mind, but document management, and specifically, establishing a document management plan, is extremely important and key to running a successful company these days. That is because paper is one of the largest mass-produced products in the world, let ...Read more
    • The Importance of a Compliant Document Shredding Service
      One of the most important things you need to look for in a shredding service is compliance with all privacy codes and regulations. Many businesses work with documents and files that contain sensitive information, and improper shredding can not only compromise their information, it can devalue your ...Read more
    • How Shred With Us protects your private security
      As the world becomes more and more complicated, it is harder for businesses to maintain security with their growing documents. We do not have to remind you how staying organized is an essential business habit. What we would like to tell you is how you can maintain ...Read more
    • Top 5 signs of identity Theft:
      Security shredding is one of our goals here at Shred With Us. Protection of personal documents is more important than ever before. The reason why it is important to utilize security shredding and document storage is because of any potential breach of financial security. Identity theft is ...Read more
    • Benefits of One-Time Document Shredding
      One-time document shredding services are designed for businesses or residents that are in need of a single clean-out of their unwanted papers and documents. Whether you are looking for a simple clearing out of a storage area that is cluttered with old papers or have an entire ...Read more
    • Top 5 reasons to use Master Vault document storage
      When it comes to running a business, home, or personal archive, proper document storage is not a luxury; it is a necessity. The people at Master Vault Document Storage understand that with the growing concern for security in the country, storage of our most precious documents is ...Read more
    • Document Shredding Tips to Ensure Personal Information Remains Safe
      There’s a reason for document shredding, and it’s mainly to be sure that all private data isn’t released to multiple parties. When documents are shredded, personal information can remain private and the risk of identity theft can be kept to a minimum. Whether shredding your documents in ...Read more
    • Mobile Shredding Protects Sensitive Information
      The world is changing. It’s becoming more and more important for information to be kept safe and out of the harms of those who would use it to their own benefit. Hacking has become a career for those interested in taking information that isn’t theirs and using ...Read more
    • Regulations that Govern Document Destruction
      The regulations and codes that pertain to shredding services and document destruction vary from industry to industry. As a shredding company servicing Georgia, North Carolina, and South Carolina, being aware of these regulations is importantas they dictate the best method for disposing of sensitive information. Healthcare providers ...Read more
    • Can You Really Trust A Personal Shredding Service?
      You need to dispose of your documents for a reason – security. However, do you trust the place you are paying to dispose of this sensitive information? Can you really trust them? Professional shredding services are become increasingly popular with all the discussions on identity theft. The ...Read more
    • Why Go With A Local Shredding Company?
      These days, there are many options for shredding and document destruction services. Some companies operate on a national scale, with many locations scattered around the country. While these services can be useful and are convenient at times, going with the local shredding company is many times a ...Read more
    • Why Mobile Shredding Is More Important Now Than Ever Before
      You hear about it on the news or hear of someone it happened to – identity theft. Do you have sensitive content in your possession like Social Security Numbers or financial information? You wouldn’t just hand these documents to someone on the street, would you? Of course ...Read more
    • The differences and benefits of both onsite document shredding and offsite document shredding
      Today we want to discuss the differences and benefits of both onsite document shredding and offsite document shredding. When dealing with ShredWithUs and our document destruction services, you can be at ease knowing that we are in full compliance with regional, state, and federal laws regarding the ...Read more
    • Why Document Destruction is Still Important When Going Paperless
      These days many businesses are going paperless, signaling the beginning of the end of the age of paper. Many banks are offering a paperless option, many times the cheaper option, and the ability to receive bank statements through e-mail rather than through the mailbox. There is also ...Read more
    • Protecting Your Liability and Reputation when Hiring a Shredding Company
      Identity theft is one of the top consumer complaints. According to the Federal Trade Commission, American consumers lost billions to fraud in 2013 as a result of identity theft. Businesses are held to several regulatory requirements in order to limit a customer’s risk. These regulations consist of ...Read more
    • No clear process for notification of data breach after Target fiasco!
      Source: API WASHINGTON–The data breach at Target Corp. that exposed millions of credit card numbers has focused attention on the patchwork of state consumer notification laws and renewed a push for a single national standard. Most states have laws that require retailers to disclose data breaches, but ...Read more
    • North Carolina HHS May Have Accidentally Tossed Digital Data Records
      Asheville Citizen-Times –Asheville, North Carolina Disks containing personal information belonging to the North Carolina Department of Health and Human Services may have accidentally been taken to a local landfill, rather than properly destroyed. The Department has alerted the state Bureau of Investigation, as well as the Consumer ...Read more
      WASHINGTON – Lea’Tice Phillips, of Montgomery County, Ala., was sentenced to serve 94 months of incarceration today, announced Assistant Attorney General Kathryn Keneally of the Justice Department’s Tax Division and U.S. Attorney for the Middle District of Alabama George L. Beck Jr. Phillips was also ordered to ...Read more
    • Why You Should Outsource Your Shredding
      Should your business outsource shredding? In the 21st century, securing privacy is more important than ever with hackers and identity theft on the rise in numbers and sophistication. In addition, the United States government has introduced legislation that regulates the traffic of private information in order to ...Read more
  • Atlanta GA Shredding Services
    • Top Reasons for Using Secure Shredding Services
      The hazards of leaked confidential documents can create a world of trouble. Not only are you at the risk for multiple fines and legal penalties, a breach in security will cause a loss of trust in your clients and hurt your reputation. Once you’ve lost someone’s trust, ...Read more
    • Our Mobile Shredding Clients
      Shred With Us was founded to provide government and business entities the highest level of information protection possible. We work with very high-level entities, all of which have a very high priority on keeping information safeguarded. Breaches in classified information can result in identity theft, monetary loss, ...Read more
    • Outsource Your Business Shredding
      Outsource your business shredding today! Securing privacy is more important than ever with hackers and identity theft on the rise in numbers and sophistication. In addition, the United States government has introduced legislation that regulates the traffic of private information in order to protect consumers and businesses ...Read more
    • End of the Year Shredding
      It’s almost the end of the year! This means a joyful celebration with friends and family, feasts of epic proportions, and a well-needed rest from schooling. This is also the best time of the year to begin shredding important, private information related to your job or academic ...Read more
    • Have a Document Management Plan
      Paper is one of the largest mass-produced products in the world, and companies go through thousands of reams of paper in very short amounts of time. So how can you be sure that all of your documents are accounted for and have been filed, stored, or disposed ...Read more
    • Prevent a Breach of Data
      Starting out and finally running your own business? You are probably busy with finding new office space, hiring the right employees and meeting with new investors. Another crucial part of your business is how to go about protecting sensitive documents. Sensitive documents require proper security to prevent ...Read more
    • Secure Shredding Policies You Need To Be Aware Of
      Disposing your documents securely through organized destruction can prove to be a challenge for most businesses. There are many risks associated with insecure document disposal and destruction such as legal action, loss of trust by clients, and loss of strategic business advantage (your competitors can get hold ...Read more
    • Why Shredding Documents is Important
      Things tend to get busy in an office or professional environment. If you are overloaded with work, document shredding and safe disposal of sensitive information may not be the first thing that comes to mind. Document destruction is important for a variety of reasons. First of all, ...Read more
    • The Benefits of Off-Site Document Shredding
      Most companies don’t consider using an off-site document shredding company as their first choice for a shredding service. More often than not they go with an on-site document shredding service as an automatic choice to handle their sensitive documents and bulk shredding needs, but often they don’t ...Read more
    • What Documents Should You Shred?
      Before you hire a shredding service, be sure that you understand which documents you should retain for a period and which you can shred right away. Receipts, invoices and tax- and insurance-related items are among those that could be needed for a time before they are destroyed. ...Read more
  • Blog
    • HIPAA Compliant Paper Shredding
      What is HIPAA? If you work in the healthcare field, you’ve undoubtedly heard of HIPAA–the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act. HIPAA compliance is a big deal nowadays, with it being an integral part of being a credible business. Like many fields, healthcare has undergone large scale ...Read more
    • 3 Reasons Why Business Owners Love Mobile Shredding
      Paper shredding services are one of those things you didn’t know you needed…until you do. Shred With Us has dealt with many large businesses but we also frequently get calls from smaller business owners who realize that there’s a rhyme and rhythm to paperwork management and disposal. ...Read more
    • Offsite Shredding vs Onsite Shredding
      No matter what type of business you run, chances are you have paperwork that contains sensitive information. This information can be kept, but for many medium-sized businesses–or small businesses that deal with a lot of paperwork, it must be discarded otherwise it builds up to gargantuan levels ...Read more
    • Shred With Us Data Destruction Compliance
      Why You Need Data Destruction Have you ever truly stopped to consider how much of your information is floating around out there on paper? Your address, your phone number, your email address. Credit card statements, bank statements, and all manner of subscriptions and services that reach out ...Read more
    • Document Destruction Using Delete? Think Again
      For many years and even today, most people think of technology as out of sight, out of mind. Have you ever stored sensitive information, or temporarily kept highly valuable information on a PC? Simply deleting it does not actually get rid of the information! For this reason, ...Read more
    • The Shocking Statistics Behind Identity Theft
      A comprehensive analysis of fraud occurrence done by Javelin Strategy & Research states that in 2017 there were 16.7 million victims of identity fraud. This number is a high point which has toppled the previous year’s record high as well. In the same year, 6.64 percent of ...Read more
    • The Benefits of Document Imaging
      Somewhere out there, the mythical paper pusher exists. He lives only to push stacks of paper around with a broom. There is only paper in the lonely warehouse in which he presides. Stacks and stacks upon papers, like a great archive of important but ultimately disorienting information. ...Read more
    • Why Banks Need Mobile Shredding Services
      Information security is a top concern among the world’s financial institutions; a breach in data, identity theft, or fraudulent charges almost always means a loss of existing customers. Financial institutions possess large amounts of incredibly sensitive data on the identity of individuals. This is why customers expect ...Read more
    • 3 Reasons to Use Document Storage Before Shredding
      Privacy and keeping secure documents safe are top priority for any business or organization that keeps records containing names, address, account numbers and other personal information. Some laws and regulations require storing documents for extended amounts of time before destroying and shredding. So why choose a document ...Read more
    • Protect Your Documents for Phishing Scams
      A new wave of secure document theft has been hitting both private businesses and government offices. Phishers, or online criminals, seeking out usernames, addresses, and other private info have figured out how to use emails that use actual email addresses to obtain control of online records and ...Read more
    • Is Recycling in the Office Putting You at Risk?
      Recycling is the responsible thing to do in this day and age. With the increase of disposed paper rising at alarming rates over the last decades, it makes sense to recycle and do your part to keep our environment and landscape clear. But is doing your part ...Read more
    • Promote Safe Disposal With a Paper Drive
      A great way to give back to the community and promote the safe disposal of secure documents is to sponsor a community paper drive. As a key player in the community, it helps to create lasting relationships when you sponsor initiatives that serve to benefit your neighbors. ...Read more
    • Is Your Office At Risk?
      The office is a busy place and hundreds of files are shared every day in each office space through internet and paper files. Can you be sure that every file sent during business hours are carefully shared without any threat to privacy? It’s a difficult position to ...Read more
    • Is Your Personal Information Safe?
      We all receive multiple pieces of junk mail on a daily basis, from credit card offers to charities requesting money, everyone can relate to getting mail you just don’t want. Many people do the exact same thing with these unwanted scourges and just toss them in the ...Read more
    • Keep Your Online Records Safe with Shredding
      Most agencies utilize online records and documentation. In fields like healthcare, online records are necessary for providers to qualify for payment from government programs. With the use of these online records, though, comes the added responsibility to keep computer systems safe and free from data breaches and ...Read more
    • Three Mistakes That Could Increase Your Risks of a Fine
      It can be a difficult task to stay compliant with all privacy laws and regulations when you are running a company. Your day-to-day management occupies most of your time, and depending on your employees to dispose of secure documents seems like a reasonable expectation. Even with the ...Read more
    • On site Shredding is the Best Option for Your Highly Sensitive Documents.
      Depending on what your line of work is, the shredding of documents may have varying levels of sensitivity. Any documents containing personal information such as social security numbers, financial information, and addresses should be considered highly sensitive and require extremely secure disposal processes. Storing documents which need ...Read more
    • Do You Really Need to Shred?
      If you haven’t already been the victim of identity theft, then you probably know of someone who has fallen prey to these thieves. In this day and age, there are multiple easy and accessible avenues for securing someone else’s data and committing the crime of stolen identity. ...Read more
    • Fun Things to Do with Shredded Paper
      Here at Shred with Us, we produce copious amounts of shredded paper on a daily basis. Disposing of your important documents in the most secure way possible is of the utmost importance to us, but our commitment often leaves us with unwanted paper. In this blog post, ...Read more
    • Top 3 Things Your Paper Shredder Wants You To Know
      You may not think about the people who shred your paper. After all, they pick up your documents to shred and make the task seem so easy what concerns could they possibly have? Your shredding company may have a few gripes about their regularly scheduled pickups and ...Read more
    • Keep Client Confidence With Shredding
      It doesn’t take much personal information today to easily obtain enough data for identity theft. Identify theft can be an expensive and emotionally draining problem to fight and costs an individual thousands of dollars in irreparable damage to finances and credit. Just a few scraps of information ...Read more
    • Outsource Your Shredding With Confidence
      Keeping up with document disposal can be extremely time-consuming and expensive. The cost of purchasing paper shredders as well as maintaining them can run you thousands of dollars each year. Besides the shredders themselves, the time employees spend leaving desks and shredding documents can cost hours of ...Read more
    • 5 Ways You’re Leaking Your Secrets
      It may be accidental, but if you aren’t carefully monitoring what goes on within your office space, it is highly likely your secrets are being leaked. Whether you are an ad agency or a software company, it is vital that your next big thing be kept confidential ...Read more
    • Choosing a Document Shredding Company
      If you have a company that regularly deals with private and secure information, you probably already know that you need to properly dispose of those documents by shredding. Shredding documents the correct way protects any secure data and information you store away whether you are part of ...Read more
    • Identity Theft Protection: Are You Doing It Right?
      We all know identify theft is on the rise, and it is becoming a more complicated task to try and prevent. Paper trails are some of the most common ways that personal information is being taken especially when it is just tossed into the trash. Many convicted ...Read more
    • 3 Reasons to Outsource your Shredding
      Paper shredders come in all makes, models, shapes and sizes so it can be quite a daunting task to decide which shredder meets your needs based on how much you shred and your price range. What you may realize as you take on the responsibility of shredding ...Read more
    • 4 Things You Should Be Shredding
      You may not realize it, but there are some items being tossed in the trash that could be your personal information and secure data at risk. It’s easy to remember that documents containing private and personal information need to be professionally and certifiably shredded. What about seemingly ...Read more
    • How to Shred a Hard Drive the Right Way
      You have old hard drives, and your IT department has wiped them clean and sent them on to be resold or tossed out. Can you be sure that all of the private and secure information is 100% gone? According to the National Association for Information Destruction (NAID), ...Read more
    • Horror Stories about Improper Document Management (and How to Prevent Them from Happening to You)
      How to Save Yourself $800,000 Parkview Health System, a not-for-profit organization serving northeast Indiana and northwest Ohio, recently settled with the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) for $800,000 over an incident regarding improper document management. The Office for Civil Rights (OCR) recently launched an investigation ...Read more
    • Protect Your Records With Master Storage
      When you run an office space with highly sensitive documents how can you be sure that you are doing everything in your power to keep those records safe and secure? You want to be able to trust that all of your employees are doing the right thing ...Read more
    • Helping Retail Stores Comply With FACTA
      In the past year there have been multiple data breaches involving retail stores including retail giant Target. Don’t lose customer trust by allowing their personal financial information get into the hand of identity thieves. Taking extra precautions to discard of sensitive paper as well as hard drives ...Read more
    • How Often Should Your Office Shred
      Getting rid of confidential papers doesn’t have to be a hassle for your company. Shred With Us offers a safe and easy solution for eliminating secure documents on a regular basis. You can’t be too careful when it comes to your clients personal information so taking on ...Read more
    • How Shredding Protects the Environment
      In the United States we use close to 85,000,000 tons of paper a year and most of that paper goes directly into landfills costing enormous amounts of money in waste disposal, landfills, energy, and water. Recycling paper can save the space taken landfills as well as save ...Read more
    • Top 3 Things Your Should Know About FACTA Disposal Regulations
      The Fair and Accurate Credit Transactions Act was passed in 2003 as a way to update the old Fair Credit Act from the 1970’s. With the dawn of the internet and higher risk online data it became clear that identity theft was more prevalent and upping security ...Read more
    • Leveled Security You Can Trust For Shredding Secure Documents
      It takes a lot of time and hard work to make sure your documents are being shredded and disposed of according to all privacy laws and regulations. No matter what your business needs are, be it accounting, medical, legal, or even retail, Shred With Us has the ...Read more
    • Tips for Security With Your Home Business
      Working from home provides great flexibility and an opportunity to run your business exactly the way you planned. More and more professionals have found that running a business from home allows them to make their own schedules and still be successful. There are a few disadvantages to ...Read more
    • How Much Data is Really Stolen Each Year?
      Shockingly, over 4 billion individuals had secure information infiltrated and stolen over the last year. A report from Risked Based Security released earlier this year found that businesses were actually under attack at a much higher rate putting customers and clients at high risk for data breaches. ...Read more
    • Mobile Shredding Offers Top Notch Security
      Security matters when it comes to staying in full compliance with HIPPA regulations, and any other privacy and disclosure rules and regulations. No matter what regulations your place of business may needs to comply with Shred With Us offers a mobile solution for shredding lock and key ...Read more
    • 3 Reasons Your School Needs Shredding
      We see data breaches all around us on a daily basis. It seems like every day there has been a breach of secure data involving thousands of people whether it be passwords or credit card information. A large company allowing private information to be stolen is an ...Read more
    • Purge Your Documents With Us
      No one company is the same as any other and with that in mind, Shred With Us understands that flexibility and options are the best way to fit everyone’s needs. That’s why besides on-site disposal, we also offer drive up of off-site options for that purge of ...Read more
    • Is Hard Drive Shredding Necessary?
      Disposing of old electronics is quickly becoming an environmental and secure data crisis. With ever improving technology more and more electronics are being incorrectly disposed of in dumpsters and landfills. Besides potential health risks from components in these out of date pieces of information there is also ...Read more
    • Protect Privacy Before The Worst Can Happen.
      In South Carolina and across the country, laws state that anything that has been disposed of in a dumpster is fair game for whomever may choose to take it. Consider your company and the multitudes of documents that contain the personal information of hundreds and thousands of ...Read more
    • Multiple Containers Offer Solutions in Any Working Environment.
      The world we live in leave us vulnerable to data breaches and personal identity theft. Why risk losing your personal data to a stranger when there is a safe and secure way to dispose of secure documents? Sure you could buy a little paper shredder and spend ...Read more
    • Top 3 Benefits of Using a Professional Paper Shredding Service
      Sure you could try and dispose of documents on your own, but when you have an office to run, it would just be one more thing to have to worry about. Why put the burden of document disposal on yourself when you could hire and reliable and ...Read more
    • Creating a Better Document Destruction Policy
      One of your most important jobs as a company is to protect not only the data of your clients, but also that of your vendors and employees as well. Unfortunately, that’s often easier said than done. How can you make it happen within your organization? These tips ...Read more
    • Professional Document Destruction Is a Must for Accounting Firms
      There’s little doubt about it – financial fraud is on the rise. A 2014 Association of Certified Fraud Examiners‘ global study found that most companies lose 5% of their revenue each year thanks to fraud. What could you do with 5% more? One target in this world ...Read more
    • Building a Cost Analysis of Your In-House Shredding Program
      Thinking about outsourcing your shredding needs, but you can’t quite make the decision? Many wonder if working with a company like ours is truly the most cost-effective solution. This quick guide can help you make your decision. Start with Equipment Costs: To properly shred any documentation, you’ll ...Read more
    • On-Site or Off-Site Shredding: Which Option Works Best for You
      Information disposal is a critical task for every business or organization. Data security specialists offer a variety of solutions to best meet your unique needs. When it comes to on-site and off-site services, which will work best for you? Do you: Need to witness the destruction of ...Read more
    • 5 Ways Qualified Information Security Specialists Safeguard Your Data
      Qualified document/data destruction specialists work diligently to ensure your information is secure at all steps of the process. Built-in safeguards enable customers to follow the law and to dispose of documents, records, and electronic media effectively. Here’s how they ensure your data is handled in a professional ...Read more
    • What Happens If You Don’t Destroy Documents Effectively?
      There’s always something pressing to do. Just when you’ve got a handle on your to-do list, another crisis, emergency, or opportunity pops us. Some tasks inevitably get pushed to the side to be dealt with later – and then later, and later. It becomes too easy to ...Read more
    • What is NAID – and Why Does It Matter?
      Information security is on the mind of every business, healthcare center, school, and organization. The extreme sensitivity of data, from medical records to financial transactions to grades, makes it vulnerable to misuse. Protecting the privacy of stakeholders and handling physical and digital documents – and their disposal ...Read more
    • 5 Signs You Should Outsource Your Shredding
      Wrestling with the decision of whether to outsource your document disposal/destruction needs or take care of it in-house? Here are some signs that it’s time to call information security specialists in for help. Your staff spends more time shredding than building the business. Shredding takes time – ...Read more
    • HIPPA Protects Patient Privacy: How You Help
      The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act – HIPPA – is a law designed to safeguard patients’ privacy. All “individually identifiable health information” is protected, whether it is in paper or digital format. HIPPA strictly limits disclosure of health records and requires providers to inform patients when ...Read more
    • Fear of Commitment? Check Out These Short-Term Data Disposal Solutions
      Whether you want to put an information security service through the paces before you enter into a long-term engagement or you simply have sporadic data disposal needs, short-term solutions delivers a wide range of benefits. Shred With Us offers three convenient programs designed just for your needs. ...Read more
    • Don’t Trust Your Data to Just Anyone: Key Credentials Your Service Needs to Have
      It is impossible to understate the importance of safe, secure data disposal. Here’s why it matters: 59% of employees steal proprietary data when they leave a company. In 2016 alone, more than 12.6 million digital records were exposed, and the average cost per 1000 exposed records is ...Read more
    • Shredding 101: Does Your School Have Safe Document Destruction Processes?
      Where there is a school, there is paperwork. Educational institutions keep records on everything from student grades and medical conditions to staff backgrounds and financial information. Strict laws (FERPA) protect all student records; beyond that, there is confidential, and sensitive, information that cannot fall into the wrong ...Read more
    • Benefits of Hard Drive and Electronic Media Security
      It is easy to destroy and secure paper files. Despite how many of them you have, they are still physical items. They can always be locked away or destroyed. Security is entirely physical. However, most of our essential documents are now digital. Security for digital documents is ...Read more
    • How paper shredding services benefit your office workplace
    • Top 4 shredding mistakes that we avoid
      Secure document shredding requires more than just destroying documents for security. It is how one disposes of those documents that really makes it a secure shredding process. For instance, there are many ways in which one can shred documents improperly. Whether or not it is for onsite ...Read more
    • How our Shredding Services save you time and energy
      There are many physical benefits to utilizing our secure shredding service. From onsite shredding to drive up shredding, each of our services grant you two universal benefits: time and energy. No matter what, when you choose us as your shredding paper company (or Master vault as your ...Read more
    • Preventing Theft with Mobile Data Shredding Services
      Confidential, copyrighted and/or royalty-based data can be disastrous in the wrong hands. Not to mention that federal and state regulations call for the secure destruction of information. A business, regardless of a type, will have information that can be misused for identity theft and theft of resources. ...Read more
    • 2017 Identity Theft Scams to Look Out For
      Identity theft scams will still be very much in existence in 2017. The scams of 2016 were inconvenient and in abundance, so much so that we all ask if doing business through the internet is in any way better than the traditional manner we did things. But ...Read more
    • The Document You Should Always Keep
      Documents to Keep for the Near Future Receipts and Tax Records- for the next seven years, try to keep hold of your tax records and receipts.They may be needed in case of disputes or for your own security in having a physical material at hand in case ...Read more
    • Are You Prepared to Prevent a Data Breach?
      If you don’t already have a prevention plan in place to prevent data breaches it could already to be late to prevent a breach that puts you and your clients at risk. It’s important to protect yourself proactively and put prevention plans and actions in place before ...Read more
    • Why DIY Shredding isn’t a Good Idea
      Some people believe they can save a lot of money when they shred their documents in the office. This can be true depending on several factors. However, it can also be detrimental to you business. There are a number of reasons why commercial document shredding is preferred ...Read more
    • Knowing Your Documents are in the Right Hands: Why Shred with Us is Secure
      People and companies alike have fallen victim to identity scams and theft because of loss of data or information that the firm or individual lost from a stolen document. A business has to take great care in the way they destroy paperwork especially those that contain information ...Read more
    • How to Protect Your Workplace Data
      Your workplace data has to be protected. Whether your confidential information is stored digitally or on paper, it is imperative to ensure all information in the workplace is kept in a secure place. The only way this can be done is by implementing some security measures. Off-Site ...Read more
    • What Happens To My Documents After They Are Shredded?
      Shredding your documents is a good way to ensure no one can access the information in them and is usually practiced by companies both large and small. This is because they need to keep their information confidential. Shredding is the most secure method of ensuring information does ...Read more
    • Tips On Preventing Identity Theft
      Identity theft is one of most intrusive crimes you can come across. If you have never had your identity stolen, you may not understand what it entails. Someone assumes your identity and uses it to do various things like buying goods and services at your expense. Since ...Read more
    • Master Vault Document Storage Company: Implementing Security
      One thing that people need to consider before choosing a document storagecompany is how trustworthy they are to begin with. How dependable are they, and how do I make sure? Shred With Us understands the necessity of storage reliability. After all, our document destruction facility is based ...Read more
    • Shredding Papers: Letting go of Sentimental documents
      We’ve all been there. We werecleaning house and suddenly we foundourselvestrying to decide which papers to throw out and which to keep. We came across a few papers that we thought about shredding but startedwondering if we should keep them instead. Pretty soon those few papers become ...Read more
    • Document Storage: Privacy in a digital world
      Privacy seems almost impossible in the modern day. Everything is textedand recorded onto our phones and laptops. However, there are still reliable modes of privacy when it is necessary for our businesses, government, and/or personal lives. Here are a few ways that document storage can allow for ...Read more
    • Why Document Shredding Is so Important in the Digital Age
      With so many offices doing a lot of their work digitally or in the cloud, one might wonder why document shredding is still important. The reality is that document shredding plays a key role in information protection and privacy. Converting from Paper to Digital Records If you ...Read more
    • Where Can I Securely Shred Commercial Documents?
      When it comes to commercial documents, you need to know that they are properly disposed of when the time comes. While your wastebasket style shredder may seem secure enough, this is not acceptable for sensitive information. Here are some suggestions for finding a place to shred commercial ...Read more
    • The Perks of Mobile Shredding
      When you are staring at years worth of old files and documents, it can seem extremely overwhelming to consider how to organize and simplify your records. Here are some of the reasons you should consider mobile shredding services. No Hauling Heavy Boxes Yourself Our mobile shredders come ...Read more
    • The Implications of a Data Breach
      When it comes to client trust, there is nothing that will break it faster than a data breach. Protecting your customer and company information is your responsibility as a business owner. Here are some of the things that can happen if you have a data breach. Loss ...Read more
    • The Benefits of Using a Local Shredding Company
      When you are looking for a company to trust with shredding your documents, there are many advantages to going with a local company. Here are a few to consider. Hometown Smiles and Service The people behind Shred With Us are your neighbors. When employees are part of ...Read more
    • How to Properly Destroy Digital Data
      There are many that believe all they need to do to destroy digital data is throw away their electronics. Sadly, this is how a lot of disreputable people get the information they use for fraud. No matter what type of business you are in, it is crucial ...Read more
    • Ensuring the Safety Of Your Sensitive Information
      Sensitive information in the wrong hands can cause a lot of trouble. Here are some of the things you can do to make sure that sensitive business, personal, and client information stays where it should. Cut The Clutter Having a lot of documents and records in files ...Read more
    • Document Shredding in the Healthcare Industry
      In the healthcare industry, patient privacy is a constant cause of concern. At Shred With Us, we understand that having a highly functional system for document shredding is essential to doing business. We can offer the healthcare field the following services for document destruction. Ready to Use ...Read more
    • Compliance Guidelines for Shredding Documents
      Personal privacy is an important part of the relationship between a business and customer or doctor and patient. Many industries have document destruction rules that must be strictly followed to avoid fines and other actions best avoided. HIPAA If you are in the healthcare field then you ...Read more
    • What to Look For in a Local Mobile Shredding Company
      At Shred With Us, we’re happy to provide you with a multitude of different shredding services. We aim to be everything that a local mobile shredding company should be, and we think that there are a few key qualities we have that not only separate us from ...Read more
    • Why an Office Shredder can’t Beat a Shredding Service
      When it comes to shredding documents, there is certainly a world of difference between what you get with a paper shredding service and an office shredder. Volume Office shredders are usually only made to handle small amounts of shredding at once. Running many office shredders continuously will ...Read more
    • Ensuring That Documents Are Gone Once and For All
      If you’ve made the decision that some of your documents need to go, then hopefully you’ve put a lot of thought into that decision. You aren’t shredding for the sake of shredding, you’re shredding because if you didn’t some of your most important and personal information would ...Read more
    • What is a Document Management Company and Why Do I Need One?
      Even referring to something as a “document” gives it a certain connotation. Documents, by nature, contain information that is important, secure, or both, and you want to protect your documents as best you can. A document management company can help you not only protect your documents, but ...Read more
    • Using Shared Networks: Protect Your Personal Information
      These days, it seems like everyone needs to be on their phone all the time. Because we’re so accessible, people want to access us…constantly. It can be frustrating, but also necessary depending on what line of work you’re in, how many people you know, etc.: the list ...Read more
    • FACTA: What You Need to Know About Compliant Shredding
      One does not simply shred documents without paying mind as to what they are shredding and why. Often times, people shred documents to ensure that their information, and the information of those that they are responsible for, is kept private, secure, and in the right hands. For ...Read more
    • The Privacy Act of 1974 and Shredding Guidelines
      The central reason for shredding your important documents is to protect your privacy, that is, the your privacy of information. The privacy of your information is important for several reasons, like identity theft and other forms of fraud, and there are even government mandates surrounding it. Certain ...Read more
    • What Documents Should You Be Shredding?
      How to Identify Which Documents to Shred… If you want to be sure that you’re protecting your information, then you need to be sure that you’re shredding certain documents. This principle applies tenfold when you’re responsible for the protection of somebody else’s information. Unfortunately, shredding can’t really ...Read more
    • The Hazards Of Insecure Documents
      If you are not taking steps to protect the confidentiality of your customers and clients, then you are exposing your business to some serious hazards. Here are some things that should convince you that your business needs a plan for secure document storage and document destruction services. ...Read more
    • Credentials to Look for in Paper Shredding Companies
      When searching for a secure paper shredding company in Georgia, South Carolina or North Carolina, it is important to make sure that they have the proper credentials. It may seem that all paper shredding companies are the same, but their specific services as well as their certifications ...Read more
    • On-Site Shredding is Safe and Secure
      In today’s world, it can seem like nothing is private. This means that companies that value privacy for their clients and themselves face increasing hurdles when it comes to offering discreet service. On-site shredding is one of the safest ways to ensure that sensitive documents are disposed ...Read more
    • How to Securely Destroy Electronic Media
      While the emphasis at some companies may be on moving from a paper-based to an electronic based method of record keeping and files, destruction of electronic media is an often overlooked problem. Anyone can carelesslythrow away a computer or recycle it, and that leaves the information contained ...Read more
    • How to Keep Your Business’s Private Information Secure
      In today’s busy world it is all too easy to fall victim to theft of private information. Electronic and paper records are at risk, especially if security features are not in place. Here are some ways you can keep your private information secure and maintain your reputation ...Read more
    • What to Do When You Are Unable to Shred Documents
      Security and privacy are very important to businesses and their clients. Proper disposal of sensitive personal information is vital to success and the trust required to bring your business to the top. Here are some options for when you are unable to shred documents. Locked Container Options ...Read more
    • What Is Commercial Shredding?
      Commercial shredding usually means large volume shredding that often must comply with industry rules and regulations. Large volumes of paper documents are found everywhere but with the advent of digital technology it has become desirable for many offices to shed themselves of the baggage and waste of ...Read more
    • What Are the Pros and Cons of Shredding Services?
      If you have a lot of documents to shred, then you may be considering the positives and negatives of hiring a professional shredding service to take care of this for you. Here are some things to consider when making the choice. Document Shredding Is Time Consuming Shredding ...Read more
    • Why you Should be Investing in Document Storage for your Business
      Document storage is important to the long-term success of your company. Here are some of the reasons why document storage services should be a part of your business. 1. Back Up When You Need It A computer crash or an employee accidently tossing a file can cause ...Read more
    • Why On-Site Shredding is a Great Idea for Your Business
      Shredding. As the end of the year comes closer it becomes time to think about changes to make in the office. Without a doubt, there are many things on the list to improve or change for the New Year. There are benefits of being able to have ...Read more
    • Data and Security in the Healthcare Field
      According to a recent study by Ponemon, a firm that studies privacy and data protection, the leading cause of data breaches in the healthcare field are criminal attacks. According to the study, employee negligence and lost or stolen devices are still primary causes of data breaches, but ...Read more
    • How Shredding can Help Prevent Identity Theft!
      Identity Theft is a real and serious issue in the United States and around the world. There are many factors that play into it being a problem, one of the major ones is misplacement of important documents and identification such as bank statements, credit card statements, and ...Read more
    • Reasons for Shredding Documents Instead of Throwing Out
      There are all types of things that people have written down and don’t want people reading. Call it paranoia, fear of what other people think, or security and protective measures. Either way, simply just throwing out highly secure and informative documents doesn’t cut it. You’re going to ...Read more
    • Get Serious: Why is Master Vault Document Storage Important for Your Business?
      In this day and age of information security it is highly important that you keep your protected documents in a safe document storage. It has gotten to the point where you can’t even trust your own employees. Back in the day it was a problem when someone ...Read more
    • Visual Hacking: The Low-tech Tactic Crippling Americans
      Understanding Visual Hacking Do you ever wonder how these major corporations get major data leaks or how these huge hacking leakshappen? While it is true there are talented hackers that can brute force their way into systems, many times it is something as simple as leaving a ...Read more
    • Document Shredding Services Secures Business Information
      Security & Document Shredding Services In the 21st Century, personal data is the life line of many businesses. In the technological age, there is a high emphasis on securing confidential information. Despite the risks, there is still an alarming number of firms who carelessly toss sensitive documents ...Read more
    • Top 5 Things to Look for in Secure Shredding Services
      Secure Shredding ServicesOn Rise The demand for document shredding has increased significantly in recent years. This demand has fruition mostly because of numerous thefts that result in businesses and consumers getting their valuable information stolen. Use reputable North Carolina shredding services to prevent identity theft. When hiring ...Read more
    • Top Reasons for Using Secure Shredding Services
      As a trusted source of document shredding, Shred With Us helps people and businesses by providing a very consultative approach throughofferinga secureshredding of your documents. Once important documents and media get their full usage, it is vital that you do this by destroying them properly. You will ...Read more
    • Solution of Document Disposal By On-site Shredding Services
      In-house document shredding creates noise and trash, and it also wastes a lot of paper that is recyclable. Depending on your document disposal procedures, these wastes may directly go to the landfills. This could result in another party not involved in the company to read the papers. ...Read more
    • Benefits of Mobile Shredding Services – We Come to You
      Office shredding is unreliable, messy and slow. It requires an office employee to do the shredding instead of focusing on the core of the business.Small or large businesses should be responsible in handling their clients’ documented information. If these wastes need immediate disposal, companies can have official ...Read more
    • Georgia Secure Shredding Services – Protecting Your Business
      Are you protecting your business with Georgia mobile shredding services? Dealing with major fines and lawsuits is no fun to say the least. If your business isn’t doing all it can to protect the sensitive information that flows in and out you could be setting yourself up ...Read more
  • digital document destruction
    • Georgia Shredding Services
      • Mobile Shredding Services
        • News
          • 3 Industries that Need Shredding The Most
            Paper shredding and document destruction are services you don’t realize you need until they are desperately required. Whether you realize it or not, almost every organization needs some kind of protocols for disposal if they are dealing with the information of other people. Let’s take a look ...Read more
          • Types of Identity Theft
            Think about this: a report from the Federal Bureau of Justice Statistics (FBJ) states that direct and indirect losses from identity theft totaled $24.7 billion in 2012 ( This type of crime impacts a large amount of people worldwide, and the U.S. is no exception. That’s about ...Read more
          • The Importance of Shredding Your Hard Drives
            When people think of services that a shredding company may offer, they inevitably think about paper. But there are some other objects that carry data that you may need to destroy. Namely, a hard drive. But how do you go about destroying a hard drive? Can you ...Read more
          • Is Off-Site Shredding Secure?
            With so much in the news about data breaches, it may seem that security is hard to achieve no matter what you try to do. The truth of the matter is that with a good document archiving and destruction plan you can protect your client and business ...Read more
          • How to Manage Document Storage for your Business
            Document storage is a major deal for any business. There are a lot of factors to consider when designing a plan that is right. Shred With Us is here to help you sort through these factors and become more organized. Compliance Rules One of the most crucial ...Read more
          • Document Shredding Company Employee Eyed in ID Theft Ring
            Fort Worth man is at center of multistate fraud investigation A Fort Worth man who worked for a document shredding company did not destroy bank records and instead shared them with thieves, according to court documents. The number of potential victims is in the thousands and the ...Read more
          • Stolen laptops lead to important HIPAA settlements
            Two entities have paid the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Office for Civil Rights (OCR) $1,975,220 collectively to resolve potential violations of the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) Privacy and Security Rules. These major enforcement actions underscore the significant risk to the security ...Read more
          • Take Home Work Used To Commit Fraud and Identity Theft
            A human resources department employee takes home employee data that is then stolen by her boyfriend. A Peabody, MA man will spend seven years in federal prison for leading an identity fraud ring that cost retailers nearly $400,000, federal prosecutors said. William Dodge, 46, will have to ...Read more
          • FTC Reiterates its Support for Data Security Legislation
            The Federal Trade Commission testified before Congress today on the agency’s ongoing efforts to promote data security, and reiterated its support for enactment of a strong federal data security and breach notification law. Testifying on behalf of the Commission before the Senate Judiciary Committee, FTC Chairwoman Edith ...Read more
          • Shredding Companies Settle Lawsuit for Defrauding the United States Government
            Iron Mountain and Shred-It have agreed to pay $1.1 million to settle a lawsuit claiming that the companies defrauded the United States government for document shredding services. A third defendant, Cintas Corporation is continuing to contest the allegations. This constitutes the three largest providers of shredding in ...Read more
          • $50,000 Fine For a Greensboro business accused of illegally dumping
            Here’s another egregious example of a health care provider being nothing less than reckless with patient data.Last August a Greensboro, NC resident was looking for cans when he found boxes and boxes of unshredded patient data stuffed in a dumpster. The files belonged to a local urgent ...Read more
        • North Carolina shredding services
          • Taking The Hassle Out Of Customer Privacy
            When it comes to the privacy of your customer’s it is your responsibility to offer them the confidentiality they deserve. Ignoring the privacy needs of your customers can result in some major hassle for you down the road, and even cost you, important clients. Shred With Us ...Read more
          • Data Theft Is An Increasing Problem: Protect Yourself
            Think just for a moment how many different electronics there are out there. Now think about how much personal information is just left on them when they are disposed of. This type of behavior makes it unsurprising just how much data theft occurs due to thrown away ...Read more
          • Document Storage You Can Trust
            Did you know that your trusted shredding company also offers document storage and archiving solutions as well? At Shred With Us we have a lot of different options for your company. From digital archiving and physical document storage, we can take care of all your needs safely ...Read more
          • On-Site Versus Off-Site Shredding
              When it comes to shredding and document destruction services, there are many things to consider. On-site shredding or off-site shredding are two of the major choices you may find yourself making at some point in time. Here are some things to consider when it comes to ...Read more
          • Why You Need A Document Shredding Service
            When it comes to document destruction, the advantages of a pro service are many. Guaranteed Confidentiality Shredding documents in your office is simply not as secure as letting professionals take care of this for you. Even the best employees may forget to shred something that is important. ...Read more
        • On Site Shredding Services
          • Resources
            • MIT researchers uncover mountains of private data on discarded computers
              As Hard drives grow in storage and decrease in price daily companies and individuals ask what do I do with my old hard drives? If you wipe your (format, fdisk or delete) data, then donate or sell the drives, your data is not completely gone; the right ...Read more
            • NAID Information Destruction Training Program
              This video explains how the NAID Information Destruction Training Program provides an easy and effective system for complying with the training requirements of all major US data protection regulations, including HIPAA, the FACTA Final Disposal Rule, GLB, Regulation S-P, the FACTA Red Flags Rule.
            • Cost Effective and Compliant Shredding Procedures
              Shredding is more complex than simply destroying documents and forgetting about them. Having your shredding in house can be done but poses risks and wasted productivity by not focusing on core competencies of your business. While there may not be any monetary costs associated with shredding in ...Read more
          • Secure Shredding Services
            • Shredding Company
              • Shredding Services